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2022-09-29 作者:gong2022

46.With the Church's teachings and ways of thinking being eclipsed by the Renaissance, the gap between the Medieval and modern periods had been bridged, leading to new and unexplored intellectual territories. 跟着教会的教义和思惟方法之间的差距因文艺回复的到来而黯然失容,中世纪和 现代之间的边界被缩减了,这就通向了新的未被摸索的常识范畴。

47.Before each of their revelations,many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking,including the geo-centric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe. 在他们的每次启迪以前,那时的很多思惟家都连结着更古老的思惟方法,包含 以地球为中间的概念,即地球是咱们宇宙的中间。

48.Despite attempts by the Church to suppress this generation of logicians and rationalists, more explanations for how the universe functioned were being made at a rate that the people could no longer ignore. 尽管束会试图压抑这一代的名学家和理性主义者,但对宇宙若何运行的更多解 释正在以人们再也没法轻忽的速率被提出来。

49.As many took on the duty of trying to integrate reasoning and scientific philosophies into the world,the Renaissance was over and it was the time for a new era. 当很多人承当起试图将推理和科学哲学融入世界的责任时,文艺回复就竣事了, 这是一个新期间的到来。

50.Such actions to seek knowledge and to understand what the information we already knew were captured by the Latin phrase '

sapere aude' or 'dare to know'.

拉丁短语“sapere aude”或“敢晓得”捕获了这类追求常识和理解咱们已晓得的信息的举动。
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